The first time I met the next door neighbor was Halloween night when I ran out of sugar. I thought he was just wearing an elaborate costume.
Though I wasn't sure how he got such a deep voice. It must've been one of those voice box thingies.
I also don't know where he got the elaborate mask with realistic horns or how he became 7-feet tall.
Maybe he was wearing those super-tall shoes or something.
Weird costume, but whatever.
The next day I saw him moving some stuff. Not only was he wearing his elaborate costume in the daytime, but he was moving things he had no business moving.
I about peed myself when I saw him move a heavy oak double bed with one hand.
No way.
How is that even possible?
I could swear I saw his muscles rippling. It must've been a very life-like costume. But one would assume a person would wear something else to move their things.
I couldn't help but watch him. Hell, my daytime soaps were left forgotten. I could catch up on them later, this was far more intriguing.
As I watched him move fridges, ovens, even a flat-screen TV with almost no effort, I began to get wet.
I tried to figure out why he was so tall, but then I realized with a start that he wasn't wearing shoes. He didn't even had feet - he had hooves!
My heart skipped a beat when it all came together piece by piece. He wasn't human - he was a Minotaur! That wasn't even a costume he was wearing.
I don't know why, but instead of being repulsed, I was aroused. I wondered suddenly what was under his loincloth.
Yeah, I was a nosy bitch - I wanted to see if his cock was as big as the rest of him.
I fingered myself furiously trying to get a peek. Fuck, this was hot! I snuck out of the house and hid behind some bushes. Within moments my nosiness paid off!