My 18-year-old sister, Bella, wanted a baby. All she could talk about non-stop was baby this and baby that. I was honestly sick of it.
I tried to tune her out as much as I could but it got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore.
"What do you think I should name it?" She asked me one day. I was trying to watch Jeopardy! and she started talking about babies again.
"Name what?" I asked trying to brush her aside.
"The baby, duh!" She said with a laugh.
"What baby?" I turned to her in all seriousness, the Dorito in my hand all but forgotten, "Sis, there is no baby. You don't even have a boyfriend."
She looked hurt and bit her lower lip.
"Look, a baby is a life-long commitment. It's not like a puppy or a kitty." I couldn't believe I was having the birds and bees talk with my younger sister, but here we were.
Then I said something I maybe shouldn't have. "Have you even thought about who you want the father to be?"
She immediately got coy and glanced away. I noticed her cheeks flushing.
"Well? Is there someone?"
She shook her head, "I can't tell you, you'll laugh at me."
"Try me. I promise not to laugh."
She took a deep breath and looked up at me, "Promise?"
"Promise," I nodded.
She was silent for a moment, as if trying to work up the courage, and then it all came out at once, "Iwantyouasdaddyofmybaby."
"Wait, wait wait. Slow down there sister. Say that again...this time slower."
She sighed and her eyes dropped. She was quiet again for a moment. When she spoke again it was almost a whisper. "You, Ryan. I want you to impregnate me and knock me up."