My Aunt May was over for the summer, visiting her sister. I was a horny, 18-year-old man who just wanted to get a glimpse of her naked body.
Turns out, my aunt wanted the same thing. And more...
One Saturday, mom and I were lounging by the pool when Aunt May came out, jumped in the water and splashed me. I couldn't let her get away with that, so I jumped in the water after her. Mom didn't like it but she's used to us playing around, and we do this every time she visits. Aunt May and I have always gotten along well.
As I jumped in, my aunt immediately wrapped me up in a bear hug - fuck, mature women were strong - and kissed me passionately, her lips on my own.
"What are you doing?" I said to her as we broke apart, shocked. I looked up and my mom was sitting up on the lawn chair, completely engrossed in her romance novel, oblivious to our actions.
"Kissing my favorite nephew," my Aunt May said, smiling. "Any problems with that?" She went in for a deeper kiss, her fingers threading through my swim trunks and finding my manhood. It was already hard from being this close to her in the pool and her touching it only made it more so.
"No problems, I just didn't expect..." My aunt cut me off.
"Didn't expect what?" she asked coyly. Her lips brushed against mine. "This?"
She was rubbing my cock, and it felt amazing. I was shocked, but I was also incredibly horny, so I let it happen.
"Your mother will never see a thing. Just relax," my Aunt May said. Her lips were against my ear now. She was nibbling my earlobe and whispering to me. I didn't think it was possible for my cock to get harder but it did. It was starting to ache, it was so full.
My aunt was grinding herself against my leg while she was stroking my manhood.
I had no idea she liked me, or men that were half her age, but I was happy to take advantage of the situation. I let her do as she wanted, and she was a master. I didn't think a woman had ever handled my cock so expertly.