Mom was so fucking hot it hurt. With her rich, dark hair cascading down her back, warm hazel eyes, and radiant smile, mom exuded a confident, effortless elegance, her subtle laugh lines and gentle curves only adding to her natural beauty.
To say I was smitten by her mature beauty would've been an understatement.
Every day after I got home from my bakery job, I'd lounge in the living room just so I could catch glimpses of my mother's long, tanned, toned legs.
But I was tired of just staring. I wanted more. I wanted to fuck her. To ram my throbbing cock deep inside her motherly cunt and shoot endless loads of potent cum straight up into her mature womb.
I knew that was never going to happen - not just by sitting here on the couch, drooling, anyway.
No, I needed something - anything - to put mom under my spell so that I could have my way with her.
As if the universe had heard my plea, the very next day a new guy at work was boasting about how he'd been fucking his sister. Babbling something about Free Use.
When he explained it to me, my heart dropped into my stomach. This was the opportunity I'd been waiting for!
Said that with it, he could fuck any girl he wanted.
"Free Use, huh?" I asked. "You mean like... You're able to have sex with any girl whenever you want, without them being able to resist?" Sounded like bullshit to me.
"Exactly!" he exclaimed, slapping his hand on my back. "Any girl. Any time. One pill lasts a whole week. Do you have any idea how many chicks I can bang in a week?"
He grinned, rubbing his hands together.
"Yeah," he said, "girls are like putty in your hands. You wanna have some fun with the girls you've been with before, but don't want anything serious with? It's the perfect solution."
"But what if they get pregnant?" I asked.