My sister Julia was a bad girl. At 18, she was already getting into trouble - hanging out with the wrong crowds, drinking, doing drugs - the works.
One day I came home early from work to find her rummaging around my Mom's closet, pocketing a wad of money she found there.
I watched from behind the door as she pulled out the bills and flipped through them, obviously pleased with the find. She thought she'd gotten away with it, but I blocked her escape.
"Oh! I didn't see you there, Mark!" She said innocently, as if she hadn't just stolen a wad of bills from my Mom's closet. I could smell the alcohol on her breath.
"I saw what you were doing, Julia," I said. She backed up, a look of guilt flashing over her face, and sat down on the edge of my Mom's bed. "What are you talking about?"
"You stole from Mom," I said, advancing on her. My cock throbbed at the sudden power I had over my little sister. "I'm going to have to tell her. You'll probably be thrown out, but it's what you deserve, isn't it?"
"You wouldn't!" she said, her eyes pleading, her voice quavering.
"Give me one reason why I wouldn't, Julia," I said. My cock pulsed in my pants, straining to break free. "Because you're my big brother! Look, I'll put it back, I swear!" She was panicking now.
I had to take the opportunity. "It's a little late for that, don't you think?" I asked. "You've done some pretty bad shit, Julia. I've always been the good child. But you, you're a fuck up. I have half a mind to let you go. Get out of here with your money and never come back, but you don't deserve it. You deserve to be punished."
Her eyes welled with tears and she bit her lip, looking at me. "But... what can I do?" she asked.
"First, I want you to strip for me, right now."
She was taken aback, looking up at me, shocked. "What? No! That's disgusting!" she cried out indignantly.
I crossed my arms, shrugging my shoulders. "It's either that or I tell Mom, and you get thrown out of here. You can keep the money, but you'll have to go." My cock twitched at the thought. "That is, if mom doesn't call the police and have you arrested. That much money? Probably a felony."
Her eyes grew wide. She stared at me for a few moments before she finally broke eye contact and looked down at the floor.
I was loving the power trip, but it had to look like I was doing her a favor. "This way," I said, "You can get off with just a little embarrassment, and mom never needs to know this...little issue never happened."