Lucy wants daddy to know she can think for herself and that treating every conversation as some kind of lesson is only going to push her away. So what if he tells her that in all of his life he has never seen a vagina? His wife is a devout Christian. Lucy may just believe him. She may only be eighteen and a virgin but poor clueless daddy knows nothing. He really needs Lucy to give him some lessons.
An 8100 word story.
Probes the emotions and sexual interactions between a father and his eighteen year old virgin daughter while she is still in school. Contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between inappropriate partners. Specific subjects and themes include: exhibitionism among New York's older school girl population; the emotions of surrogate partnering when it occurs between fathers and daughters; the potential for eroticism in "date nights" between fathers and daughters; anatomy including the urethra and bartholin's glands; and the possible impact that 18+ incest stories might have on real life interactions between fathers and their eighteen year old daughters.
I slipped her hand into my jacket pocket and she flashed me a quizzical look.
“What is it?” she said.
“A present.”
She took it out and saw she was holding a condom.
“Daddy!” she scolded.
“Not here?”
Years ago Britney and I decided these daddy daughter dates nights would be a nice way to show Lucy, by example, how as a lady she should expect to be treated by men. Looking at Lucy walking ahead of me into our room, I would have gladly admitted that after years of instruction in chivalry, occasional hand holding and what I would call flirting, we were seeing a sharp rise in the graph. The kisses on the way up in the lift had been no different to kisses goodnight, except they were constant and one or two fell on her lips.
READ MOREDid I need any more courage from the mini bar before kissing my own flesh and blood on the mouth? I didn’t think so. I laid in wait outside the bathroom, listening to her golden stream. When she stepped out, it was into my arms.
“Oh, gosh. More cuddles,” she said.
“Yes, more cuddles.”
“And octopus arms.”
Taking a nice feel I said, “You do have a very tight bottom.”
“Come on daddy, enough now. That was our date night.”
I had to use my strength. She was pulling away. I had to let her know we weren’t playing now by getting my tongue past her lips. Once you’ve had a taste of saliva like that there’s no stopping, until you are slapped in the face.
“I can’t daddy,” she sputtered, then looked at me in two minds. “You’re… daddy.”
“What was that white creamy mucus I saw in your personal parts when you showed me?”
“I couldn’t help it. You made me feel funny.”
I cupped her little round face in my hands. I swear her head was no bigger than when she was born. “You make me feel funny every time I see you. Lucy. You’re magic. Everything about you makes me feel funny. Even just this little plait in your hair makes me feel funny.” It was a crazy little plait she kept hidden amidst all her clumped strands.
“What sort of funny?”
I felt myself channeling Sam. “My jonny goes hard, and I can’t understand it.”