Anal Incest 4- Pack : Books 1 – 4

by Kimmy Welsh

Book Cover: Anal Incest 4- Pack : Books 1 - 4
Part of the Anal Incest series:

Dirty daughters taking it deep in their ass for the first time in painful, rough anal sessions at the mercy of their own daddies!  It’s some of the naughtiest erotica on the planet – come see if you can handle it!

Stories include Anal Incest Books 1 – 4: ‘Ass F’ed By My Dad In Mom’s Bed,’ ‘The Power of Ass-F’ing,’ ‘Blown My Backdoor In,’ and ‘Daddy Popped My Anal Cherry.’


Daddy looked to the bathroom door.  “You know, your Mom and I have never done it.”

“I don’t even like to think about you guys having regular sex, never mind that.”

“Oh, we just finished doing that.”

I shook suddenly in the bed.  “Here?!”

Daddy smiled and nodded.  “You’re practically lying in it.”

“Ewww!” I laughed, wriggling.  Thankfully I couldn’t feel anything wet against me.

“Your Mom’s freshening up,” he said.  “She likes to be thorough.”

“You fucked right here?”

“It’s our bed, Hannah, of course we did.”

“Why did you let me in?!”

“You looked cold.”

“I’d have gone back to my own bed if I’d have known!”

“But then we wouldn’t have got to share our love of anal.”



“Well, I love it,” Daddy said.  “I look at enough videos myself, but I always make sure I delete my search-history.”

I pursed my lips.  “I’ll remember that in future.”

“You ever done it?”

I shook my head.  “You?”

Daddy shook his head too.  “We’re both virgins I guess.”

I turned to look at him again and I felt that same awkward silence descend.  You know when you’re only inches away from kissing someone and there’s that moment.  Well, I could feel it weighing heavy and I honestly had no clue what direction I wanted things to go.

It felt like the moment lasted forever, but in reality it was probably only five seconds before I moved forward another inch and met Daddy’s mouth.

We touched lips and waited again, then I lurched forwards and gave him my tongue.  Daddy’s wrestled back against my own and we rolled in the bed.  It was then that I realized he was completely naked.  Not only that but the thing between his legs was far from flaccid.

I could feel it against my stomach, pressing onto my long t-shirt.  Below, my pussy came to life, leaking its juices into the crotch of my little panties.  I couldn’t help but think that the wettest pussy in the world would be no good for where Daddy wanted to put it.

“We have to be fast,” he said, looking at the door.

“So be fast,” I told him.

My breath raced as Daddy kissed me again.  I could feel my heart thudding in my ears.  The adrenaline surged through me rapidly.  With Mom so close the fear of getting caught was both a turn-on and a worry.  It’d be tough to explain this away.

“Jerk my cock,” he whispered.

He moved over on top of me and straddled my body.  Fuck, things were moving fast.  I looked down and saw Daddy’s cock in the twilight of the bedroom.  It jutted out on his hips, looming over me like a magnificent, rare creature.  It looked more much mature than the one cock I’d already sampled.

“Do it,” he urged, looking back.

I took it in my hand and felt its strength.  I was dealing with a real man now, and not the chads from college.  Daddy was comfortable in his own skin, and that made me comfortable too.

“It’s so big,” I swooned, but behind the excitement I was terrified.  How was I going to fit something that big in my ass?


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